إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

The purpose of this app is run as a support tool for the execution of exercises using a very specific technique that focuses primarily on the burning of body fat in a short period by keeping the heart rate at a level suitable for burning fat.

To be fat burning through a conventional exercise it is necessary to extend the performance over 30 minutes, ie during the first half hour body only consumes only carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and even the muscles but does not reach burn fat.

Through the technique used in this application, the body is able to anticipate the fat burning heart rate in maintaining an appropriate level for burning fat.

The technique is simple. It is based on performing an exercise with maximum intensity in a short period of 8 seconds, followed by a period of 12 seconds slower rate possible.

Practice using screen or your ear phones.

The exercise in question can be done: Ergometer Bike, Elliptical, Stepper, Hiking (alternating with running) and any other exercise that allows the sudden change of pace.

To obtain the desired exercise need to be done by at least 20 minutes for three times a week.